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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123456]
 C_GUIDGlobally unique identifier structure
 CBurger::DisplayDirectX9::AdapterInfoInformation for a display device
 CBurger::add_const< T >Add the const qualifier to a type
 CBurger::add_cv< T >Add the const and volatile qualifier to a type
 CBurger::add_volatile< T >Add the volatile qualifier to a type
 CBurger::allocator< T >Implementation of std::allocator<>
 CBurger::allocator< const void >Implementation of std::allocator<void>
 CBurger::allocator< void >Implementation of std::allocator<void>
 CBurger::ArgumentType_Dispatch< T, size, bIsIntegral, bIsPointer >Intrinsic data type dispatcher
 CBurger::ArgumentType_DispatchPtr< T, size, bIsIntegral >Intrinsic data type dispatcher
 CBurger::ArgumentType_tBase structure for ArgumentType
 CBurger::ArgumentTypeDataUnion_tData stored in this object
 CBurger::Assert_tContainer structure for Assert support
 CBurger::AutoreleasePoolCreate an instance of a NSAutoreleasePool
 CBurger::AutoRepeatAutorepeat a joystick
 CAutoRepeat_tData to handle joystick button auto repeating
 CBurger::BaseBase class for virtual destructor
 CBase_deleteDelete an object using Burger::Delete()
 CBurger::DisplayDirectX9::BufferFormatGroupInformation for all pixel formats for a specific rendering device
 CBurger::CaptureStdoutClass to capture stdout and stderr
 CBurger::OutputMemoryStream::Chunk_tData chunk for OutputMemoryStream
 CBurger::ClassArray< T >Template for creating arrays of class objects
 CBurger::ClassArray< Burger::SmartPointer< Burger::Flash::TraitsInfo > >
 CBurger::ClassArray< Burger::String >
 CBurger::CompressDeflate::CodeData_tStructure for each huffman tree entry
 CBurger::CodeFrameworkManage MacOSX / iOS Framework library files
 CBurger::CodeLibraryManage code library files
 CBurger::CodePageShared constants for code page handlers
 CBurger::Flash::ColorTransformColor transform for Adobe Flash
 CBurger::Sequencer::Command_tA buffer describing a single note
 CBurger::conditional< B, T, F >Select a type based if the conditional is true or false
 CBurger::ConditionVariableClass for creating a condition variable
 CBurger::HashMapShared::const_iteratorSTL compatible iterator base class
 CBurger::CPUID_tStructure that holds the features of the CPU
 CBurger::Unix::DBusInstanceHandler for a dbus session
 Cdefault_deleteDelete an object using delete
 Cdefault_delete< T >
 Cdefault_delete< T >
 Cdefault_delete_arrayDelete an object using delete[]
 Cdefault_delete_array< T >
 Cdefault_delete_array< T >
 CBurger::default_delete_Base< T >
 CBurger::default_delete_Free< T >
 CBurger::DecompressDeflate::DeflateHuft_tDeflate huffman tree definition
 CBurger::DetectMultiLaunchClass to detect multiple launches of a desktop application
 CBurger::DisplayDirectX9::DeviceInfoInformation for a GPU device
 CBurger::DisplayDirectX9::DeviceSettings_tStructure to describe the state of a Direct3D9 device
 CBurger::DirectoryEntry_tA directory entry returned by DirectorySearch
 CBurger::DirectorySearchDirectory contents iteration class
 CBurger::DirectXPerfMarkerDirectX performance marker
 CBurger::disable_if< B, T >Create typedef type if condition is false
 CBurger::DisplayDirectX9::DisplayMode_tStructure to describe a DirectX 9 display mode
 CBurger::DoubleLinkedList_tDouble linked list
 CBurger::DisplayDirectX9::BufferFormatGroup::DSMSConflict_tStructure to describe incompatible D3DFORMAT / D3DMULTISAMPLE_TYPE pairs
 CBurger::Dxt1Packet_tData structure for a DXT1 compressed texture block
 CBurger::Dxt3Packet_tData structure for a DXT3 compressed texture block
 CBurger::Dxt5Packet_tData structure for a DXT5 compressed texture block
 CBurger::Queue< T >::ElementA single data chunk in the queue
 CBurger::enable_if< B, T >Create typedef type if condition is true
 CBurger::GridIndexBox::EntryData chunk for GridIndexBox
 CBurger::HashMapShared::EntryBase data entry for HashMap
 CBurger::GridIndexPoints::Entry_tSingly linked data chunk for GridIndexPoints
 CBurger::NetworkModuleSettings::EnumeratedServerInfo_tInformation presented to the callback on a server to add or remove from the application's internal lists
 CBurger::DisplayDirectX9::EnumeratorDirectX 9 device enumerator
 CBurger::Sequencer::EnvelopeMarker_tA single entry for sound envelope marking
 CBurger::EventHeader_tBase structure for events
 CBurger::Filename::ExpandCache_tStructure to contain a directory cache entry
 CBurger::FileSystem file reference class
 CBurger::FileAPFReads files
 CBurger::FileBMPReads and writes BMP files
 CBurger::FileDDSReads and writes DDS files
 CBurger::FileGIFReads and writes GIF files
 CBurger::FileINIReads and writes INI files
 CBurger::FileLBMReads and writes LBM files
 CBurger::FileManagerGlobal file system manager
 CBurger::FileManagerSimpleInitialization class for the global FileManager structure
 CBurger::FileMP3Reads and writes MP3 files
 CBurger::FilenameFile name container
 CBurger::RezFile::FilenameToRezNum_tSorted list of filenames
 CBurger::FilePCXReads and writes PCX files
 CBurger::FilePNGReads and writes PNG files
 CBurger::RezFile::FileRezEntry_tData image of a resource entry
 CBurger::RezFile::FileRezGroup_tData image of a resource group
 CBurger::FileTGAReads and writes TGA files
 CBurger::FileXMLReads and writes XML files
 CBurger::FixedMatrix3D_t3 dimensional fixed point matrix
 CBurger::FixedMatrix4D_t4x4 Fixed32 matrix
 CBurger::FixedVector2D_t2 dimensional fixed point vector
 CBurger::FixedVector3D_t3D Fixed32 vector
 CBurger::FixedVector4D_t4 dimensional fixed point vector
 CBurger::FloatTimerFloating point timer
 CBurger::ForwardLinkSingly linked list pointer
 CBurger::FourCharacterCode_tHelper structure to create 4 characters codes
 CBurger::FPInfoClass for analyzing a floating point number
 CBurger::FPLargeIntClass for managing a very large integer for double precision
 CBurger::FPPrintInfoDigit printing class for floating point
 CBurger::DecompressMP3::FrameHeader_tDecoded 32 bit MP3 packet header
 CFree_deleteDelete an object using Burger::Free()
 CBurger::GIFDecoderGIF style LZW decompresser
 CBurger::GIFEncoderGIF style LZW compressor
 CBurger::GlobalMemoryManagerSingleton class for global memory allocation
 CBurger::GlobalsGlobal variables shared by all functions in the application
 CBurger::Display::Globals_tValues to describe the default settings of the display
 CBurger::GOST_t32 byte array to contain a GOST hash
 CBurger::GOSTHasher_tMulti-pass GOST hash generator
 CBurger::GridIndexBoxClass for managing a grid with objects on overlapping areas
 CBurger::GridIndexPointsManager to handle a grid with singly linked lists with values
 CBurger::NetPlay::GroupInfosArray of GroupInfo_t structures
 CBurger::HalfContainer for a 16 bit float
 CBurger::MemoryManagerHandle::Handle_tStructure describing an allocated chunk of memory
 CBurger::HashMapSharedBase class for HashMap
 CBurger::HSL_tHue, Saturation and Intensity 32 bit floating point values
 CBurger::ice_and< p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7 >Test for all values being true
 CBurger::ice_eq< p1, p2 >Test for equality
 CBurger::ice_ne< p1, p2 >Test for inequality
 CBurger::ice_not< p >Reverse boolean input
 CBurger::ice_or< p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7 >Test for any value being true
 CBurger::ImageClass for containing raw images
 CBurger::InputMemoryStreamFast input memory stream
 CBurger::integral_constant< T, _Value >Wrap a static constant of specified type
 CBurger::integral_constant< bool, _Value >
 CBurger::integral_constant< uintptr_t, alignof(T)>
 CBurger::is_arithmetic< T >Test if a type is an integer or a floating point number
 CBurger::is_const< T >Test if a type is const
 CBurger::is_floating_point< T >Test if a type is a float
 Cis_functionSimplified implementation of std::is_function
 Cis_function< T >
 CBurger::is_fundamental< T >Test if a type is arithmetic or void
 CBurger::is_integral< T >Test if a type is an integer
 CBurger::is_lvalue_reference< T >Test if a type is an lvalue reference
 CBurger::is_pointer< T >Test if a type is a pointer
 CBurger::is_reference< T >Test if a type is a reference
 CBurger::is_rvalue_reference< T >Test if a type is an rvalue reference
 CBurger::is_same< T, U >Determine if two objects are the same type
 CBurger::is_signed< T >Test if a type is a signed value
 CBurger::is_unsigned< T >Test if a type is an unsigned value
 CBurger::is_void< T >Test if a type is void
 CBurger::is_volatile< T >Test if a type is volatile
 CBurger::Flash::ItemInfo_tOptional key/value pairs
 CBurger::GridIndexBox::iteratorSTL compatible iterator
 CBurger::GridIndexPoints::iteratorSTL compatible iterator
 CBurger::Joypad::JoypadData_tData record for each joypad
 CBurger::Joypad::JoypadRange_tRange for each axis to convert analog data to digital data
 CJoypadRawData_tCurrent data read for a joypad
 CBurger::LastInFirstOutClass that manages a last in first out singly linked list
 CBurger::DecompressMP3::Layer2_AllocEntry_tPreset tables for Version 1, Layer 2 allocation entries
 CBurger::LinkedListObjectsLinked list object class
 CBurger::LocalizationLocalization functions
 CBurger::NetworkModuleSettings::LocatedServer_tDescription of a located server
 CBurger::MACEState_tState of MACE compression/decompression
 CBurger::MacOSXOldFunctions exclusive to Apple macOS
 CBurger::Flash::ManagerManager to support the playing of Flash files
 CBurger::Flash::Matrix232x3 matrix for two dimensional rotations
 CBurger::Matrix3D_t3 dimensional floating point matrix
 CBurger::Matrix4D_t4 dimensional floating point matrix
 CBurger::MD2_t16 byte array to contain an MD2 hash
 CBurger::MD2Hasher_tMulti-pass MD2 hash generator
 CBurger::MD4_t16 byte array to contain an MD4 hash
 CBurger::MD4Hasher_tMulti-pass MD4 hash generator
 CBurger::MD5_t16 byte array to contain an MD5 hash
 CBurger::MD5Hasher_tMulti-pass MD5 hash generator
 CBurger::MemoryManagerBase class for memory managers
 CBurger::PS4::MemoryManagerDefaultsUsed by allocators for memory configuration
 CBurger::PS4::MemoryPageChunkUsed by allocators for memory chunk tracking
 CBurger::NetPlay::MessageHeader_tBase header for a network packet
 CBurger::DisplayDirectX9::BufferFormatGroup::MSQuality_tStructure to describe the maximum quality for a multisample type
 CBurger::Flash::MultinameData packet for Flash Multiname support
 CBurger::MutexClass for creating a Mutex for a critical section of data
 CBurger::MutexLockClass for locking and releasing a mutex in a function
 CBurger::Flash::NamespaceData packet for Flash Multiname support
 CBurger::NativeEndianLoads a 16, 32 or 64 bit value with no byte swapping
 CBurger::NetAddr_tGeneric structure to contain a network address
 CBurger::NetworkEndpointBase class for network endpoints
 CBurger::NetworkEndpointInstanceBase class for network endpoint instances
 CBurger::NetworkModuleInfo_tStructure to obtain information from a NetworkModule
 CBurger::type_traits::no_typeType used for templates to return 0
 CBurger::NumberStringSimple "C" string numeric conversion class
 CBurger::NumberStringHexSimple "C" string hexadecimal conversion class
 CBurger::Display::OpenGLVertexBufferObjectDescription_tDescription of an OpenGL vertex buffer object
 CBurger::Display::OpenGLVertexInputs_tDescription of an OpenGL vertex input list
 CBurger::Flash::OptionDetail_tOptional class parameters
 CBurger::OSCursorClass to handle an operating system cursor
 CBurger::OSCursorImageClass to generate an operating system cursor
 CBurger::OutputMemoryStreamFast output memory stream
 CBurger::Pair< T1, T2 >Template for creating an object pair
 CBurger::PaletteStatic functions to manage palettes
 CBurger::SafePrint::ParamInfo_tContainer struct for SafePrint arguments
 CBurger::Sequencer::PatternData_tA buffer describing a group of notes
 CBurger::PerforceHandle a connection to a perforce server
 CBurger::NetPlay::PlayerInfosArray of PlayerInfo_t structures
 CPointDefinition of a MacOS Point
 CBurger::Point2D_tInteger 2D coordinate
 CBurger::SafePrint::ProcessResults_tStruct to hold the results of parsing
 CBurger::ProxyReferenceCounterClass to track an object that can be deleted at any time
 CBurger::Queue< T >A simple first in first out queue
 CBurger::FileManager::Queue_tAsynchronous file I/O message
 CBurger::allocator< T >::rebind< U >Its member type other is the equivalent allocator type to allocate elements of type T
 CBurger::allocator< const void >::rebindIts member type other is the equivalent allocator type to allocate elements of type T
 CBurger::allocator< void >::rebindIts member type other is the equivalent allocator type to allocate elements of type T
 CRectDefinition of a MacOS Rect
 CBurger::Rect_tStructure describing an integer precision 2D rectangle
 CBurger::MSDos::Regs16_tStructure to contain all the registers for calling 80x86 assembly
 CBurger::remove_const< T >Remove the const qualifier from a type
 CBurger::remove_cv< T >Remove the volatile and const qualifier from a type
 CBurger::remove_pointer< T >Remove the reference qualifier to a type
 CBurger::remove_reference< T >Remove the reference qualifier to a type
 Cremove_reference< T & >Remove the reference qualifier to a type
 Cremove_reference< T && >Remove the reference qualifier to a type
 CBurger::remove_volatile< T >Remove the volatile qualifier from a type
 CBurger::RendererBase graphics renderer class
 CBurger::RezFile::RezEntry_tData to describe each individual resource in memory
 CBurger::RezFileRez file manager
 CBurger::RezFile::RezGroup_tData to describe a group of resources in memory
 CBurger::RGBAFloat_tRed, Green,Blue and Alpha 32 bit floating point values
 CBurger::RGBAWord16_tRed, Green,Blue and Alpha 16 bit values
 CBurger::RGBAWord8_tRed, Green,Blue and Alpha 8 bit values
 CBurger::RGBFloat_tRed, Green and Blue 32 bit floating point values
 CBurger::RGBWord16_tRed, Green and Blue 16 bit values
 CBurger::RGBWord8_tRed, Green and Blue 8 bit values
 CBurger::RezFile::RootHeader_tData image for the start of a Rez file
 CBurger::RunQueueSimple manager of a list of function pointers
 CBurger::SafePrintContainer class for SafePrint functions
 CBurger::Sequencer::SampleDescriptionA buffer describing digital sample for an instrument
 CScalerTime scaler
 Cselect_valueSelect one of two arbitrary values
 Cselect_value< B, T, _True, _False >
 CBurger::SemaphoreClass for creating a semaphore
 CBurger::SHA1_t20 byte array to contain a SHA-1 hash
 CBurger::SHA1Hasher_tMulti-pass SHA1 hash generator
 CBurger::SimpleArrayBaseBase class for SimpleArray
 CBurger::SimpleStringSimple "C" string container
 CBurger::type_traits::size_type< T >Type used for templates the require a specific size
 CBurger::SmartPointer< T >Template for auto reference counting a pointer
 CBurger::SmartPointer< ActionScriptFunction >
 CBurger::SmartPointer< ActionScriptObject >
 CBurger::SmartPointer< Burger::Flash::ActionScriptProperty >
 CBurger::SmartPointer< Burger::Flash::TraitsInfo >
 CBurger::SmartPointer< Burger::ProxyReferenceCounter >
 CBurger::SmartPointer< Burger::SoundManager::Buffer >
 CBurger::StaticRTTIStructure to handle simple Run Time Type Identification
 CBurger::CompressDeflate::StaticTreeDesc_tStructure for each static huffman tree entry
 CBurger::Flash::StreamData stream manager for flash file parsing
 CBurger::StringUTF 8 bit string class
 CBurger::String16UTF 16 bit string class
 CBurger::SwapEndianSwap the byte order of 16, 32 and 64 bit values
 CBurger::ThreadClass for creating a thread
 CBurger::ThreadLocalStorage_tSimple array of ThreadLocalStorageEntry_t records
 CBurger::ThreadLocalStorageEntry_tThread local storage for shutdown callback
 CBurger::ThreadLocalStorageRecord_tInternal record to match ThreadLocalStorage_t to a thread
 CBurger::TickLow level timer manager
 CBurger::TimeDate_tStructure to hold a date and time
 CBurger::uint32_float_tUnion to create float values with integer constants
 CBurger::uint64_double_tUnion to create double values with integer constants
 CBurger::unique_ptr< T, Deleter >Simplified implementation of std::unique_ptr
 CBurger::unique_ptr< T, Burger::default_delete_array< T > >
 CBurger::unique_ptr< T, Burger::default_delete_Base< T > >
 CBurger::unique_ptr< T, Burger::default_delete_Free< T > >
 CBurger::UTF16Conversion routines to the UTF8 format
 CBurger::UTF8Conversion routines to support the UTF8 format
 CBurger::Vector2D_t2 dimensional floating point vector
 CBurger::Vector3D_t3 dimensional floating point vector
 CBurger::Vector4D_t4 dimensional floating point vector
 CVector_128128 bit vector intrinsic
 CBurger::Vector_128Float32Structure to create a 128 vector with 32 bit floating point constants
 CBurger::Vector_128Float64Structure to create a 128 vector with 64 bit floating point constants
 CBurger::Vector_128Int32Structure to create a 128 vector with 32 bit signed integer constants
 CBurger::Vector_128Word16Structure to create a 128 vector with 16 bit unsigned integer constants
 CBurger::Vector_128Word32Structure to create a 128 vector with 32 bit unsigned integer constants
 CBurger::Vector_128Word64Structure to create a 128 vector with 64 bit unsigned integer constants
 CBurger::Vector_128Word8Structure to create a 128 vector with 8 bit unsigned integer constants
 CBurger::Display::VideoCardDescriptionDescription of a video card's available video modes
 CVideoContextDIBDIB startup and teardown class
 CBurger::Display::VideoMode_tDescription of a video card's video mode
 CBurger::SoundManager::VoiceAudio playback class
 CBurger::WeakPointer< T >Template for tracking an object that could self destruct
 CBurger::WeakPointer< ABC_Definition >
 CBurger::WeakPointer< RootObject >
 CBurger::WeakPointerAnchorPrivate sub class for use by WeakPointer
 CWindowsAppBase class for window game applications
 CBurger::Word32ToVector2D_tStructure to create a Vector2D_t with 32 bit unsigned integer constants
 CBurger::Word32ToVector3D_tStructure to create a Vector3D_t with 32 bit unsigned integer constants
 CBurger::XInputGamePad_tPersistent state of an XInput gamepad