const Burger::StaticRTTI * | get_StaticRTTI (void) const noexcept override |
| Get the description to the class.
| Display (GameApp *pGameApp) |
| Default constructor.
virtual | ~Display () |
| Default destructor.
uint_t | Init (uint_t uWidth, uint_t uHeight, uint_t uDepth=32, uint_t uFlags=DEFAULTFLAGS) |
| Initialize the display.
void | Shutdown (void) |
| Shut down the current video display context.
void | BeginScene (void) |
| Prepare the display for rendering.
void | EndScene (void) |
| Render the scene to the display.
Texture * | CreateTextureObject (void) |
VertexBuffer * | CreateVertexBufferObject (void) |
void | Resize (uint_t uWidth, uint_t uHeight) |
void | SetViewport (uint_t uX, uint_t uY, uint_t uWidth, uint_t uHeight) |
void | SetScissorRect (uint_t uX, uint_t uY, uint_t uWidth, uint_t uHeight) |
void | SetClearColor (float fRed, float fGreen, float fBlue, float fAlpha) |
void | SetClearDepth (float fDepth) |
void | Clear (uint_t uMask) |
void | Bind (Texture *pTexture, uint_t uIndex=0) |
void | Bind (Effect *pEffect) |
void | SetBlend (uint_t bEnable) |
void | SetBlendFunction (eSourceBlendFactor uSourceFactor, eDestinationBlendFactor uDestFactor) |
void | SetLighting (uint_t bEnable) |
void | SetZWrite (uint_t bEnable) |
void | SetDepthTest (eDepthFunction uDepthFunction) |
void | SetCullMode (eCullMode uCullMode) |
void | SetScissor (uint_t bEnable) |
void | DrawPrimitive (ePrimitiveType uPrimitiveType, VertexBuffer *pVertexBuffer) |
void | DrawElements (ePrimitiveType uPrimitiveType, VertexBuffer *pVertexBuffer) |
tagWINDOWPLACEMENT * | GetWindowedPlacement (void) noexcept |
| Return the pointer to a WINDOWPLACEMENT.
uint_t | HandleMinMax (HWND__ *pWindow, uintptr_t lParam) |
| Handler for WM_GETMINMAXINFO events.
virtual void | CheckForWindowSizeChange (void) |
| Resize the back buffer if the window size changed.
virtual void | CheckForWindowChangingMonitors (void) |
| Check if the window has changed monitors.
D3DVertexShader * | CreateVertexShader (const void *pVertexShaderBinary) const |
D3DPixelShader * | CreatePixelShader (const void *pPixelShaderBinary) const |
D3DDevice * | GetD3DDevice (void) const noexcept |
void | InitState (void) |
uint_t | IsWideScreen (void) noexcept |
uint_t | IsHiDef (void) noexcept |
uint_t | IsInterlaced (void) noexcept |
NSView * | GetView (void) const noexcept |
| Get the window's NSView.
NSWindowController * | GetWindowController (void) const noexcept |
| Get the window's NSWindowController.
NSOpenGLView * | GetOpenGLView (void) const noexcept |
| Get the window's NSOpenGLView.
_CGLContextObject * | GetOpenGLContext (void) const noexcept |
| Get the window's _CGLContextObject.
NSWindow * | GetFullScreenWindow (void) const noexcept |
| Get the window pointer.
void | SetFullScreenWindow (NSWindow *pFullScreenWindow) noexcept |
| Enable a full screen window and disable the primary game window.
EAGLContext * | GetGLContext (void) const noexcept |
| The currently active OpenGL context.
uint_t | GetFrontBuffer (void) const noexcept |
| Front buffer index.
uint_t | GetColorBuffer (void) const noexcept |
| Color buffer index.
uint_t | GetDepthBuffer (void) const noexcept |
| Depth buffer index.
void | Pause (uint_t bPauseRendering) |
| Pause or resume rendering.
Texture * | GetBoundTexture (uint_t uIndex=0) const noexcept |
Texture * | CreateTexture (Texture::eWrapping uWrapping, Texture::eFilter uFilter) |
| Create a texture object with wrapping and filters preset.
Texture * | CreateTexture (uint_t uWidth, uint_t uHeight, Image::ePixelTypes uPixelType, Texture::eWrapping uWrapping, Texture::eFilter uFilter) |
| Create a texture object with buffer and wrapping and filters preset.
Texture * | CreateTexturePNG (const char *pFilename, Texture::eWrapping uWrapping, Texture::eFilter uFilter) |
| Create a texture object with wrapping, filters and a texture source.
Texture * | CreateTexturePNG (Filename *pFilename, Texture::eWrapping uWrapping, Texture::eFilter uFilter) |
| Create a texture object with wrapping, filters and a texture source.
Texture * | CreateTexturePNG (RezFile *pRezFile, uint_t uRezNum, Texture::eWrapping uWrapping, Texture::eFilter uFilter) |
| Create a texture object with wrapping, filters and a texture source.
Texture * | CreateTextureGIF (const char *pFilename, Texture::eWrapping uWrapping, Texture::eFilter uFilter) |
| Create a texture object with wrapping, filters and a texture source.
Texture * | CreateTextureGIF (Filename *pFilename, Texture::eWrapping uWrapping, Texture::eFilter uFilter) |
| Create a texture object with wrapping, filters and a texture source.
Texture * | CreateTextureGIF (RezFile *pRezFile, uint_t uRezNum, Texture::eWrapping uWrapping, Texture::eFilter uFilter) |
| Create a texture object with wrapping, filters and a texture source.
Texture * | CreateTextureTGA (const char *pFilename, Texture::eWrapping uWrapping, Texture::eFilter uFilter) |
| Create a texture object with wrapping, filters and a texture source.
Texture * | CreateTextureTGA (Filename *pFilename, Texture::eWrapping uWrapping, Texture::eFilter uFilter) |
| Create a texture object with wrapping, filters and a texture source.
Texture * | CreateTextureTGA (RezFile *pRezFile, uint_t uRezNum, Texture::eWrapping uWrapping, Texture::eFilter uFilter) |
| Create a texture object with wrapping, filters and a texture source.
Texture * | CreateTextureBMP (const char *pFilename, Texture::eWrapping uWrapping, Texture::eFilter uFilter) |
| Create a texture object with wrapping, filters and a texture source.
Texture * | CreateTextureBMP (Filename *pFilename, Texture::eWrapping uWrapping, Texture::eFilter uFilter) |
| Create a texture object with wrapping, filters and a texture source.
Texture * | CreateTextureBMP (RezFile *pRezFile, uint_t uRezNum, Texture::eWrapping uWrapping, Texture::eFilter uFilter) |
| Create a texture object with wrapping, filters and a texture source.
VertexBuffer * | CreateVertexBuffer (const VertexBuffer::VertexAoS_t *pDescription) |
| Create a vertex buffer object with from a vertex description.
void | SetPalette (uint_t uStart, uint_t uCount, const uint8_t *pPalette) |
| Update the color palette.
void | SetPalette (uint_t uStart, uint_t uCount, const RGBAWord8_t *pPalette) |
| Update the color palette.
void | SetBorderColor (uint_t uColor) |
| Update the display border color.
void | SetWindowTitle (const char *pTitle) |
| Set the display window title.
void | SetPaletteBlack (void) |
| Set the screen palette to all black.
void | SetPaletteWhite (void) |
| Set the screen palette to all white.
void | SetPalette (const uint8_t *pPalette) |
| Update the color palette.
void | SetPalette (const RGBAWord8_t *pPalette) |
| Update the color palette.
void | SetPalette (void **pHandle) |
| Update the color palette using a memory handle.
void | SetPalette (RezFile *pRez, uint_t uResID) |
| Update the color palette using a resource.
void | SetPalette (uint_t uStart, uint_t uCount, RezFile *pRez, uint_t uResID) |
| Update a partial color palette using a resource.
void | FadeTo (const uint8_t *pPalette, FadeProc pProc=nullptr, void *pData=nullptr) |
| Fade the hardware palette to a palette.
void | FadeToBlack (FadeProc pProc=nullptr, void *pData=nullptr) |
| Fade the hardware palette to black.
void | FadeToWhite (FadeProc pProc=nullptr, void *pData=nullptr) |
| Fade the hardware palette to white.
void | FadeTo (RezFile *pRez, uint_t uResID, FadeProc pProc=nullptr, void *pData=nullptr) |
| Fade the hardware palette to a palette.
void | FadeTo (void **pHandle, FadeProc pProc=nullptr, void *pData=nullptr) |
| Fade the hardware palette to a palette.
GameApp * | GetGameApp (void) const noexcept |
| Get the parent application pointer.
uint_t | GetWidth (void) const noexcept |
| Get the width in pixels of the display buffer.
uint_t | GetHeight (void) const noexcept |
| Get the height in pixels of the display buffer.
uint_t | GetDepth (void) const noexcept |
| Get the depth in bits of the display buffer.
uint_t | GetFlags (void) const noexcept |
| Get the flags associated with this Display class instance.
uint_t | GetDisplayWidth (void) const noexcept |
| Get the width in pixels of the display hardware.
uint_t | GetDisplayHeight (void) const noexcept |
| Get the height in pixels of the display hardware.
float | GetWidthFloat (void) const noexcept |
| Get the width in pixels of the display buffer.
float | GetHeightFloat (void) const noexcept |
| Get the height in pixels of the display buffer.
float | GetAspectRatioX (void) const noexcept |
| Get the aspect ratio in the format of width/height.
float | GetAspectRatioY (void) const noexcept |
| Get the aspect ratio in the format of height/width.
eAspectRatio | GetAspectRatio (void) const |
| Get the enumeration of the screen aspect ratio.
const uint8_t * | GetPalette (void) const noexcept |
| Get the current palette.
uint_t | GetBorderColor (void) const noexcept |
| Get the hardware border color.
uint_t | GetFadeSpeed (void) const noexcept |
| Return the timer constant in Burger::Tick.
void | SetFadeSpeed (uint_t uPaletteFadeSpeed) noexcept |
| Set the timer constant in Burger::Tick.
uint_t | GetPaletteVSync (void) const noexcept |
| Return non-zero if palette updates are synced to vertical blank.
void | SetPaletteVSync (uint_t bPaletteVSync) noexcept |
| Set the flag to enable palette updates.
void | SetResizeCallback (ResizeProc pResize, void *pResizeData) noexcept |
| Set window resize callback.
ResizeProc | GetResizeCallback (void) const noexcept |
| Return the function pointer for the callback when the window's size is changed.
void * | GetResizeCallbackData (void) const noexcept |
| Return the window resize function.
void | SetRenderCallback (RenderProc pRender, void *pRenderData) noexcept |
| Set window update function.
RenderProc | GetRenderCallback (void) const noexcept |
| Set the window updat function.
void * | GetRenderCallbackData (void) const noexcept |
| Get the redraw callback function.
void | SetReleaseCallback (ReleaseProc pRelease, void *pReleaseData) noexcept |
| Set the purge callback.
ReleaseProc | GetReleaseCallback (void) const noexcept |
| Purge resource callback.
void * | GetReleaseCallbackData (void) const noexcept |
| Return pointer to callback void *.
const char * | get_class_name (void) const noexcept |
| Get the name of the class.
virtual | ~Base () noexcept=default |
| Destructor.