This is the complete list of members for Burger::HashMapStringCase< U >, including all inherited members.
Add(const void *pT, const void *pU) noexcept | Burger::HashMapShared | protected |
add(const String &rKey, const U &rValue) noexcept | Burger::HashMap< String, U > | inline |
begin(void) noexcept | Burger::HashMap< String, U > | inline |
begin(void) const noexcept | Burger::HashMap< String, U > | inline |
Clear(void) noexcept | Burger::HashMapShared | |
ComputeHash(const void *pKey) const noexcept | Burger::HashMapShared | protected |
Construct(HashMapShared::Entry *pEntry) noexcept | Burger::HashMap< String, U > | inlineprivatestatic |
Copy(HashMapShared::Entry *pEntry, const void *pT, const void *pU) noexcept | Burger::HashMap< String, U > | inlineprivatestatic |
Burger::HashMapShared::Copy(const HashMapShared *pInput) noexcept | Burger::HashMapShared | protected |
CreateBuffer(uintptr_t uCount, uintptr_t uEntrySize) noexcept | Burger::HashMapShared | protected |
CreateHashBuffer(uintptr_t uNewSize) noexcept | Burger::HashMapShared | protected |
EMPTY_RECORD | Burger::HashMapShared | static |
end(void) noexcept | Burger::HashMap< String, U > | inline |
end(void) const noexcept | Burger::HashMap< String, U > | inline |
END_OF_CHAIN | Burger::HashMapShared | static |
EntryConstructProc typedef | Burger::HashMapShared | protected |
EntryCopyProc typedef | Burger::HashMapShared | protected |
EntryInvalidateProc typedef | Burger::HashMapShared | protected |
EqualsTest(const void *pA, const void *pB) noexcept | Burger::HashMap< String, U > | inlineprivatestatic |
Erase(uintptr_t uIndex) noexcept | Burger::HashMapShared | protected |
Erase(const void *pKey) noexcept | Burger::HashMapShared | protected |
erase(const iterator &it) noexcept | Burger::HashMap< String, U > | inline |
erase(const String &rKey) noexcept | Burger::HashMap< String, U > | inline |
find(const String &rKey) noexcept | Burger::HashMap< String, U > | inline |
find(const String &rKey) const noexcept | Burger::HashMap< String, U > | inline |
FindFirst(void) const noexcept | Burger::HashMapShared | protected |
FindIndex(const void *pKey) const noexcept | Burger::HashMapShared | protected |
GetData(const String &rKey) noexcept | Burger::HashMap< String, U > | inline |
GetData(const String &rKey) const noexcept | Burger::HashMap< String, U > | inline |
GetData(const String &rKey, U *pOutput) const noexcept | Burger::HashMap< String, U > | inline |
Burger::HashMapShared::GetData(const void *pT) const noexcept | Burger::HashMapShared | protected |
GetEntry(uintptr_t uIndex) noexcept | Burger::HashMapShared | inline |
GetEntry(uintptr_t uIndex) const noexcept | Burger::HashMapShared | inline |
GetEntryCount(void) const noexcept | Burger::HashMapShared | inline |
GetEntrySize(void) const noexcept | Burger::HashMapShared | inline |
GetSizeMask(void) const noexcept | Burger::HashMapShared | inline |
HashMap(HashProc pHashFunction=SDBMHashFunctor) noexcept | Burger::HashMap< String, U > | inline |
HashMap(HashProc pHashFunction, TestProc pTestProc) noexcept | Burger::HashMap< String, U > | inline |
HashMap(HashProc pHashFunction, uintptr_t uDefault) noexcept | Burger::HashMap< String, U > | inline |
HashMap(const HashMap< String, U > &rHashMap) noexcept | Burger::HashMap< String, U > | inline |
HashMapShared(uintptr_t uEntrySize, uintptr_t uFirstSize, uintptr_t uSecondOffset, TestProc pTestFunction, EntryConstructProc pEntryConstructFunction, EntryCopyProc pEntryCopyFunction, EntryInvalidateProc pEntryInvalidationFunction, HashProc pHashFunction=SDBMHashFunctor) noexcept | Burger::HashMapShared | inlineprotected |
HashMapStringCase() noexcept | Burger::HashMapStringCase< U > | inline |
HashProc typedef | Burger::HashMapShared | protected |
INVALID_HASH | Burger::HashMapShared | static |
INVALID_INDEX | Burger::HashMapShared | static |
Invalidate(HashMapShared::Entry *pEntry) noexcept | Burger::HashMap< String, U > | inlineprivatestatic |
IsEmpty(void) const noexcept | Burger::HashMapShared | inline |
m_pEntries | Burger::HashMapShared | protected |
m_pEntryConstructFunction | Burger::HashMapShared | protected |
m_pEntryCopyFunction | Burger::HashMapShared | protected |
m_pEntryInvalidationFunction | Burger::HashMapShared | protected |
m_pHashFunction | Burger::HashMapShared | protected |
m_pTestFunction | Burger::HashMapShared | protected |
m_uEntryCount | Burger::HashMapShared | protected |
m_uEntrySize | Burger::HashMapShared | protected |
m_uFirstSize | Burger::HashMapShared | protected |
m_uSecondOffset | Burger::HashMapShared | protected |
m_uSizeMask | Burger::HashMapShared | protected |
operator=(const HashMap< String, U > &rHashMap) noexcept | Burger::HashMap< String, U > | inline |
operator[](const String &rKey) noexcept | Burger::HashMap< String, U > | inline |
Resize(uintptr_t uNewSize) noexcept | Burger::HashMapShared | |
Set(const String &rKey, const U &rValue) noexcept | Burger::HashMap< String, U > | inline |
SetCapacity(uintptr_t uNewSize) noexcept | Burger::HashMapShared | |
TestProc typedef | Burger::HashMapShared | protected |
~HashMap() | Burger::HashMap< String, U > | inline |