HINSTANCE__ *BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::get_instance (void) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Get the application instance.
void BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::set_instance (HINSTANCE__ *pInput) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Set the application instance.
uint32_t BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::get_version_flags (void) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Test all versions of windows.
uint_t BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::is_XP_or_higher (void) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Detect if running Windows XP or higher.
uint_t BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::is_XP3_or_higher (void) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Detect if running Windows XP SP3 or higher.
uint_t BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::is_vista_or_higher (void) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Detect if running Windows Vista or higher.
uint_t BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::is_7_or_higher (void) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Detect if running Windows 7 or higher.
uint_t BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::is_8_or_higher (void) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Detect if running Windows 8 or higher.
uint_t BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::is_10_or_higher (void) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Detect if running Windows 10 or higher.
int BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::VerQueryValueA (const void *pBlock, const char *pSubBlock, void **ppBuffer, uint_t *pLen) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in version.dll and call VerQueryValueA.
int BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::VerQueryValueW (const void *pBlock, const uint16_t *pSubBlock, void **ppBuffer, uint_t *pLen) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in version.dll and call VerQueryValueW.
int BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::GetFileVersionInfoA (const char *ptstrFilename, uint32_t dwHandle, uint32_t dwLen, void *pData) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in version.dll and call GetFileVersionInfoA.
int BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::GetFileVersionInfoW (const uint16_t *ptstrFilename, uint32_t dwHandle, uint32_t dwLen, void *pData) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in version.dll and call GetFileVersionInfoW.
uint32_t BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::GetFileVersionInfoSizeA (const char *ptstrFilename, unsigned long *pdwHandle) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in version.dll and call GetFileVersionInfoA.
uint32_t BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::GetFileVersionInfoSizeW (const uint16_t *ptstrFilename, unsigned long *pdwHandle) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in version.dll and call GetFileVersionInfoSizeW.
uint64_t BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::get_file_version64 (const uint16_t *pWindowsFilename) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Returns a 64 bit version of a file.
uint32_t BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::get_DirectX_version_via_file_versions (void) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Return the version of DirectX by scanning file versions.
uint32_t BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::get_DirectX_version (void) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Return the version of DirectX.
HINSTANCE__ *BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::load_library (eDLLIndex uIndex) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load a Windows library if needed.
void *BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::load_function (eCallIndex uIndex) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load a function from a DLL library if needed.
void BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::override_function (eCallIndex uIndex, void *pFunction) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Override a Windows function shim.
uint_t BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::has_DirectInput (void) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Detect if DirectInput exists.
uint_t BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::has_DirectInput8 (void) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Detect if DirectInput8 exists.
uint_t BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::has_XInput (void) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Detect if XInput exists.
uint_t BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::has_DirectDraw (void) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Detect if DirectDraw exists.
uint_t BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::has_D3D9 (void) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Detect if Direct3D 9 exists.
uint_t BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::has_DirectSound (void) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Detect if DirectSound exists.
uint_t BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::has_DirectPlay (void) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Detect if DirectPlay exists.
uint_t BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::has_XAudio2 (void) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Detect if XAudio2 2.7 or higher is installed.
uint_t BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::is_windows64Bit (void) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Detect if a 32 bit windows app is running under 64 bit windows.
long BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::DirectInputCreateA (HINSTANCE__ *hInst, uint32_t uVersion, IDirectInputA **ppOutput, IUnknown *pOuter=nullptr) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in dinput.dll and call DirectInputCreateA.
long BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::DirectInputCreateW (HINSTANCE__ *hInst, uint32_t uVersion, IDirectInputW **ppOutput, IUnknown *pOuter=nullptr) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in dinput.dll and call DirectInputCreateW.
long BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::DirectInput8Create (HINSTANCE__ *hInst, uint32_t uVersion, const GUID &rGUID, void **ppOutput, IUnknown *pOuter=nullptr) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in dinput8.dll and call DirectInput8Create.
IDirectInputW *BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::get_DirectInput_singleton (uint32_t uVersion=0x700U) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Return the singleton IDirectInputW pointer used by Burgerlib.
IDirectInput8W *BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::get_DirectInput8_singleton (void) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Return the singleton IDirectInput8W pointer used by Burgerlib.
uint32_t BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::XInputGetState (uint32_t dwUserIndex, _XINPUT_STATE *pState) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in xinput1_4.dll and call XInputGetState.
uint32_t BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::XInputSetState (uint32_t dwUserIndex, _XINPUT_VIBRATION *pVibration) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in xinput1_4.dll and call XInputSetState.
uint32_t BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::XInputGetCapabilities (uint32_t dwUserIndex, uint32_t dwFlags, _XINPUT_CAPABILITIES *pCapabilities) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in xinput1_4.dll and call XInputGetCapabilities.
uint32_t BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::XInputGetDSoundAudioDeviceGuids (uint32_t dwUserIndex, GUID *pDSoundRenderGuid, GUID *pDSoundCaptureGuid) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in xinput1_4.dll and call XInputGetDSoundAudioDeviceGuids.
void BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::XInputEnable (uint_t bEnable) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in xinput1_4.dll and call XInputEnable.
uint32_t BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::XInputGetAudioDeviceIds (uint32_t dwUserIndex, uint16_t *pRenderDeviceId, uint_t *pRenderCount, uint16_t *pCaptureDeviceId, uint_t *pCaptureCount) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in xinput1_4.dll and call XInputGetAudioDeviceIds.
uint32_t BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::XInputGetBatteryInformation (uint32_t dwUserIndex, uint8_t devType, _XINPUT_BATTERY_INFORMATION *pBatteryInformation) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in xinput1_4.dll and call XInputGetBatteryInformation.
uint32_t BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::XInputGetKeystroke (uint32_t dwUserIndex, uint32_t dwReserved, _XINPUT_KEYSTROKE *pKeystroke) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in xinput1_4.dll and call XInputGetKeystroke.
uint_t BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::DirectDrawCreate (const GUID *pGuid, IDirectDraw **ppOutput, IUnknown *pOuter=nullptr) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in ddraw.dll and call DirectDrawCreate.
uint_t BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::DirectDrawCreateEx (const GUID *pGuid, void **ppOutput, const GUID &rGUID, IUnknown *pOuter=nullptr) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in ddraw.dll and call DirectDrawCreateEx.
uint_t BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::DirectDrawCreateClipper (uint32_t uFlags, IDirectDrawClipper **ppOutput, IUnknown *pOuter=nullptr) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in ddraw.dll and call DirectDrawCreateClipper.
long BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::DirectDrawEnumerateA (void *pCallback, void *pContext) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in ddraw.dll and call DirectDrawEnumerateA.
long BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::DirectDrawEnumerateW (void *pCallback, void *pContext) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in ddraw.dll and call DirectDrawEnumerateW.
long BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::DirectDrawEnumerateExA (void *pCallback, void *pContext, uint32_t uFlags) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in ddraw.dll and call DirectDrawEnumerateExA.
long BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::DirectDrawEnumerateExW (void *pCallback, void *pContext, uint32_t uFlags) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in ddraw.dll and call DirectDrawEnumerateExW.
long BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::get_video_GUID (GUID *pOutput, uint32_t uDevNum) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Given a specific device number, return the DirectX GUID.
IDirect3D9 *BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::Direct3DCreate9 (uint_t uSDKVersion) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in d3d9.dll and call Direct3DCreate9.
int BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::D3DPERF_BeginEvent (uint32_t col, const uint16_t *wszName) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in d3d9.dll and call D3DPERF_BeginEvent.
int BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::D3DPERF_EndEvent (void) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in d3d9.dll and call D3DPERF_EndEvent.
void BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::D3DPERF_SetMarker (uint32_t col, const uint16_t *wszName) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in d3d9.dll and call D3DPERF_SetMarker.
void BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::D3DPERF_SetRegion (uint32_t col, const uint16_t *wszName) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in d3d9.dll and call D3DPERF_SetRegion.
int BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::D3DPERF_QueryRepeatFrame (void) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in d3d9.dll and call D3DPERF_QueryRepeatFrame.
void BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::D3DPERF_SetOptions (uint32_t dwOptions) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in d3d9.dll and call D3DPERF_SetOptions.
uint_t BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::D3DPERF_GetStatus (void) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in d3d9.dll and call D3DPERF_GetStatus.
long BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::D3DXCreateMatrixStack (uint_t uFlags, ID3DXMatrixStack **ppStack) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in d3dx9.dll and call D3DXCreateMatrixStack.
long BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::D3D11CreateDevice (IDXGIAdapter *pAdapter, uint_t DriverType, HINSTANCE__ *Software, uint_t Flags, const uint_t *pFeatureLevels, uint_t FeatureLevels, uint_t SDKVersion, ID3D11Device **ppDevice, uint_t *pFeatureLevel, ID3D11DeviceContext **ppImmediateContext) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in d3d11.dll and call D3D11CreateDevice.
long BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::CreateDXGIFactory (const GUID *pGuidFactory, void **ppFactory) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in dxgi.dll and call CreateDXGIFactory.
long BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::CreateDXGIFactory1 (const GUID *pGuidFactory, void **ppFactory) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in dxgi.dll and call CreateDXGIFactory1.
long BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::CreateDXGIFactory2 (uint_t uFlags, const GUID *pGuidFactory, void **ppFactory) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in dxgi.dll and call CreateDXGIFactory2.
long BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::DirectSoundCreate (const GUID *pGuidDevice, IDirectSound **ppOutput, IUnknown *pOuter=nullptr) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in dsound.dll and call DirectSoundCreate.
long BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::DirectSoundEnumerateA (void *pDSEnumCallback, void *pContext) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in dsound.dll and call DirectSoundEnumerateA.
long BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::DirectSoundEnumerateW (void *pDSEnumCallback, void *pContext) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in dsound.dll and call DirectSoundEnumerateW.
long BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::DirectSoundCaptureCreate (const GUID *pGuidDevice, IDirectSoundCapture **ppOutput, IUnknown *pOuter=nullptr) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in dsound.dll and call DirectSoundCaptureCreate.
long BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::DirectSoundCaptureEnumerateA (void *pDSEnumCallback, void *pContext) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in dsound.dll and call DirectSoundCaptureEnumerateA.
long BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::DirectSoundCaptureEnumerateW (void *pDSEnumCallback, void *pContext) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in dsound.dll and call DirectSoundCaptureEnumerateW.
long BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::DirectSoundCreate8 (const GUID *pGuidDevice, IDirectSound8 **ppOutput, IUnknown *pOuter=nullptr) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in dsound.dll and call DirectSoundCreate8.
long BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::DirectSoundCaptureCreate8 (const GUID *pGuidDevice, IDirectSoundCapture **ppOutput, IUnknown *pOuter=nullptr) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in dsound.dll and call DirectSoundCaptureCreate8.
long BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::DirectSoundFullDuplexCreate (const GUID *pGuidCaptureDevice, const GUID *pGuidRenderDevice, const _DSCBUFFERDESC *pDSCBufferDesc, const _DSBUFFERDESC *pDSBufferDesc, HWND__ *hWnd, uint32_t uLevel, IDirectSoundFullDuplex **ppDSFD, IDirectSoundCaptureBuffer8 **ppDSCBuffer8, IDirectSoundBuffer8 **ppDSBuffer8, IUnknown *pOuter=nullptr) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in dsound.dll and call DirectSoundFullDuplexCreate.
long BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::GetDeviceID (const GUID *pGuidSrc, GUID *pGuidDest) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in dsound.dll and call GetDeviceID.
long | Burger::Win32::XAudio2Create (IXAudio2 **ppXAudio2, uint_t Flags=0, uint_t XAudio2Processor=0x00000001) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| XAudio2Create() for older compilers.
long BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::DirectPlayCreate (GUID *pGuidSrc, IUnknown **ppOutput, IUnknown *pOuter=nullptr) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in dplayx.dll and call DirectPlayCreate.
long BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::CallDirectPlayEnumerate (void *pCallback, void *pContext) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in dplayx.dll and call DirectPlayEnumerate.
long BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::DirectPlayEnumerateA (void *pCallback, void *pContext) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in dplayx.dll and call DirectPlayEnumerateA.
long BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::DirectPlayEnumerateW (void *pCallback, void *pContext) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in dplayx.dll and call DirectPlayEnumerateW.
long BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::DirectPlayLobbyCreateA (GUID *pGuidSrc, IDirectPlayLobby **ppOutput, IUnknown *pOuter=nullptr, void *pData=nullptr, uint_t uDataSize=0) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in dplayx.dll and call DirectPlayLobbyCreateA.
long BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::DirectPlayLobbyCreateW (GUID *pGuidSrc, IDirectPlayLobby **ppOutput, IUnknown *pOuter=nullptr, void *pData=nullptr, uint_t uDataSize=0) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in dplayx.dll and call DirectPlayLobbyCreateW.
long BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::UuidCreateSequential (GUID *pOutput) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in rpcrt4.dll and call UuidCreateSequential.
void BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::HidD_GetHidGuid (GUID *pHidGuid) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in hid.dll and call HidD_GetHidGuid.
uint32_t BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::timeGetTime (void) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in winmm.dll and call timeGetTime.
int BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::PathSearchAndQualifyA (const char *pszPath, char *pszBuf, uint32_t cchBuf) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in shlwapi.dll and call PathSearchAndQualifyA.
int BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::PathSearchAndQualifyW (const uint16_t *pszPath, uint16_t *pszBuf, uint32_t cchBuf) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in shlwapi.dll and call PathSearchAndQualifyW.
void *BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::SetupDiGetClassDevsA (const GUID *ClassGuid, const char *Enumerator, HWND__ *hwndParent, uint32_t Flags) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in setupapi.dll and call SetupDiGetClassDevsA.
void *BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::SetupDiGetClassDevsW (const GUID *ClassGuid, const uint16_t *Enumerator, HWND__ *hwndParent, uint32_t Flags) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in setupapi.dll and call SetupDiGetClassDevsW.
int BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetailA (void *DeviceInfoSet, _SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DATA *DeviceInterfaceData, _SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DETAIL_DATA_A *DeviceInterfaceDetailData, uint32_t DeviceInterfaceDetailDataSize, uint32_t *RequiredSize, _SP_DEVINFO_DATA *DeviceInfoData) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in setupapi.dll and call SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetailA.
int BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetailW (void *DeviceInfoSet, _SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DATA *DeviceInterfaceData, _SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DETAIL_DATA_W *DeviceInterfaceDetailData, uint32_t DeviceInterfaceDetailDataSize, uint32_t *RequiredSize, _SP_DEVINFO_DATA *DeviceInfoData) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in setupapi.dll and call SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetailW.
int BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces (void *DeviceInfoSet, _SP_DEVINFO_DATA *DeviceInfoData, const GUID *InterfaceClassGuid, uint32_t MemberIndex, _SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DATA *DeviceInterfaceData) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in setupapi.dll and call SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces.
int BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList (void *DeviceInfoSet) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in setupapi.dll and call SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList.
uint_t BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::GetSystemWow64DirectoryA (char *pBuffer, uint32_t uSize) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in kernel32.dll and call GetSystemWow64DirectoryA.
uint_t BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::GetSystemWow64DirectoryW (uint16_t *pBuffer, uint32_t uSize) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in kernel32.dll and call GetSystemWow64DirectoryW.
int BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::IsDebuggerPresent (void) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in kernel32.dll and call IsDebuggerPresent.
long BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::SetThreadDescription (void *hThread, const uint16_t *lpThreadDescription) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in kernel32.dll and call SetThreadDescription.
void BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::InitializeSRWLock (_RTL_SRWLOCK *pSRWLock) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in kernel32.dll and call InitializeSRWLock.
void BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::AcquireSRWLockExclusive (_RTL_SRWLOCK *pSRWLock) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in kernel32.dll and call AcquireSRWLockExclusive.
uint_t BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::TryAcquireSRWLockExclusive (_RTL_SRWLOCK *pSRWLock) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in kernel32.dll and call TryAcquireSRWLockExclusive.
void BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::ReleaseSRWLockExclusive (_RTL_SRWLOCK *pSRWLock) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in kernel32.dll and call ReleaseSRWLockExclusive.
void BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::throw_thread_naming_exception (uint32_t uThreadID, const char *pThreadName) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Send an exception to the debugger to name this thread.
void BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::set_thread_name (const char *pName, void *hThread=nullptr, uint32_t uThreadId=0) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Set a thread's name for debugging.
int BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::TrackMouseEvent (tagTRACKMOUSEEVENT *pEventTrack) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in user32.dll and call TrackMouseEvent.
int BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::GetMonitorInfoA (HMONITOR__ *hMonitor, tagMONITORINFO *pMonitorInfo) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in user32.dll and call TrackMouseEvent.
int BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::GetMonitorInfoW (HMONITOR__ *hMonitor, tagMONITORINFO *pMonitorInfo) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in user32.dll and call TrackMouseEvent.
HMONITOR__ *BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::MonitorFromWindow (HWND__ *pWindow, uint_t uFlags) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in user32.dll and call MonitorFromWindow.
HMONITOR__ *BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::MonitorFromRect (const tagRECT *pRect, uint_t uFlags) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in user32.dll and call MonitorFromRect.
long BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::SHGetKnownFolderPath (const GUID *pGuid, uint32_t uFlags, void *hHandle, uint16_t **ppResult) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in shell32.dll and call SHGetKnownFolderPath.
eError BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::add_group_to_program_menu (const char *pGroupName) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Adds a directory to the start folder.
eError BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::get_known_folder_path (Filename *pFilename, const GUID *pVista, int iXP) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Set the filename to the local machine preferences directory.
uint_t BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::WaitOnAddress (volatile void *Address, void *CompareAddress, uintptr_t AddressSize, uint32_t dwMilliseconds) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in Synch-l1-2-0.dll and call WaitOnAddress.
void BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::WakeByAddressSingle (void *Address) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in Synch-l1-2-0.dll and call WakeByAddressSingle.
void BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::WakeConditionVariable (_RTL_CONDITION_VARIABLE *ConditionVariable) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in kernel32.dll and call WakeConditionVariable.
void BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::WakeAllConditionVariable (_RTL_CONDITION_VARIABLE *ConditionVariable) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in kernel32.dll and call WakeAllConditionVariable.
uint_t BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::SleepConditionVariableSRW (_RTL_CONDITION_VARIABLE *ConditionVariable, _RTL_SRWLOCK *SRWLock, uint32_t dwMilliseconds, uint32_t Flags) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in kernel32.dll and call SleepConditionVariableSRW.
uint_t BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::SleepConditionVariableCS (_RTL_CONDITION_VARIABLE *ConditionVariable, _RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION *CriticalSection, uint32_t dwMilliseconds) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Load in kernel32.dll and call SleepConditionVariableCS.
HINSTANCE__ *BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::LoadLibraryA (const char *pInput) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Call LoadLibraryA() without file error boxes.
HINSTANCE__ *BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::LoadLibraryW (const uint16_t *pInput) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Call LoadLibraryW() without file error boxes.
HINSTANCE__ *BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::LoadLibraryExA (const char *pInput, void *hFile, uint32_t uFlags) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Call LoadLibraryExA() without file error boxes.
HINSTANCE__ *BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::LoadLibraryExW (const uint16_t *pInput, void *hFile, uint32_t uFlags) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Call LoadLibraryExW() without file error boxes.
uintptr_t BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::ShellExecuteOpen (const char *pFileToOpen) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Call ShellExecuteW() with a UTF8 string.
uint_t BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::LaunchMediaCenter (void) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Launch the Media Center.
HWND__ *BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::get_window (void) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Get the application window.
void BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::set_window (HWND__ *pInput) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Set the application window.
const uint16_t *BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::get_window_class_name (void) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Get the registered class name.
void BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::change_style (HWND__ *hWindow, uint32_t uAddStyle, uint32_t uAddStyleEx, uint32_t uSubStyle, uint32_t uSubStyleEx) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Change the style flags of a windows.
void BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::pump_messages (void) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Pump windows messages.
void BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::output_windows_message (uint_t uMessage, uintptr_t wParam, uintptr_t lParam) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Print windows events to Debug::Message()
long BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::create_user_registry_key (const char *pKey, const char *pSubKey, const char *pData) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Set a user registry key with a string.
void BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::associate_file_extension_to_exe (const char *pFileExtension, const char *pDescription, const char *pProgramID) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Associate a data file to the application.
eError BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::GetQTFolderFromRegistry (const char *pSubKey, const char *pValueName, char *pBuffer, uint32_t uSize) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Find a Quicktime folder by reading the registry.
uint_t BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::GetPathToQuickTimeFolder (char *pBuffer, uint32_t uSize, uint32_t *pReserved) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Find the Quicktime folder.
uint32_t BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::GetQTSystemDirectoryA (char *pBuffer, uint32_t uSize) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Find the Quicktime folder.
uint32_t BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::GetQTApplicationDirectoryA (char *pBuffer, uint32_t uSize) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Find the Quicktime application folder.
uint32_t BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::GetQTExtensionDirectoryA (char *pBuffer, uint32_t uSize) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Find the Quicktime extensions folder.
uint32_t BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::GetQTComponentDirectoryA (char *pBuffer, uint32_t uSize) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Find the Quicktime components folder.
HINSTANCE__ *BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::QTLoadLibrary (const char *pDLLName) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Locate and load a Quicktime DLL.
eError BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::format_message (long lHResult, String *pOutput) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Call FormatMessageW()
const char *BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::get_DirectX_error_string (long lHResult) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Convert windows error into a name string.
eError BURGER_API | Burger::Win32::get_error_string (long lHResult, String *pOutput) BURGER_NOEXCEPT |
| Convert windows code to descriptive message.